产品详情 产品描述: 排烟阀安装在建筑物的墙上或顶板上,作为排烟系统的排风口或加压送风防烟系统的送风口。 Product description: The exhaust valve is installed on the wall or of the buildings as the exhaust port of the draft system or the air suply port of the pressurized air-suppl and smike-proof system. 产品特点: 1.常闭,由电信号或远距离电动或手动开启,手动复位。 2.由微动开关输出讯号,与消防系统或其他设备联锁。 3.排烟阀培优铝合金装饰面。 Product features: 1.It is closed as usal, which is opened by electrical signal (smoke sensing) or long-distance electrically or manually, and is reset by hand. 2.The microswitch outputs the signal, which is interlocked with fire-fighting system and other equipments. 3.The exhaust vlave is equipped with the aluminum-alloy decorative face. 产品认证: 本公司所生产的排烟阀产品均已通过消防产品认证证书,质量保证。 |